Sunday, January 24, 2010

Miracles do Happen

In the midst of all the confusion and mayhem, destruction and disaster, Haiti and the world have seen miracles. Babies and little children being pulled from the rubble alive, we see people leaving their jobs to volunteer, we see countries from all over the world responding to the call for help.

It is truly a miracle when the entire human race bands together to help their own. Yes destruction hit Haiti with this massive earthquake. Many in the region are thinking.... "What if a quake that size were to hit our island?"

Can anyone truly imagine if an earthquake that size were to hit Barbados, or St. Lucia or right here in Trinidad and Tobago? I have been hearing many call this event and similar others an "Act of God", leaving the impression that only "bad" and "destructive" happenings are of God..... but what do you call a two week old baby being pulled out of the ruins of a building after SEVEN days without food or water?

Isn't that also an act of God? It is God Himself. In the midst of what we call disaster, God is with us always. He saves those that are to be saved and He calls to himself those that are to be taken away.

For the most part, the people of Haiti seem to have come to an understanding that this too will pass, especially in the face of all the kindness and assistance that they have been given thus far.

We see reports and images of groups of people praying and celebrating the Eucharist. We see complete strangers looking after children who are now orphans, we see doctors fighting to help the injured and keep them alive in spite of few supplies. We see all of this taking place and we know that it is only through a miracle of faith, hope and love that any of these people are able to continue to fight for what is most precious in this world - LIFE.

I read in our local newspapers either yesterday or the day before a headline that stated "Is the end near? and how do we prepare?"
Whether it is or not, the only way to prepare is to continue to live the miracle that we have seen happening each day in Haiti. The miracle that humanity has witnessed in these 12 days, the miracle of love, still exists in our world today and because of this miracle we see more and more miracles happening on the ground in Haiti.

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