Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 2010

I don't know how many of you remember December 2009. It seems like just yesterday.

I remember making some recommendations as to how you should write your New Year's Resolutions for 2010.

Well I'm sure you know I took my own advice and I just wanted to share with everyone my progress of some of the resolutions I made for 2010. So here goes!
My New Year's Resolutions for 2010

    1. Taebo tapes - 2 times a week. to be rotated three weeks on, one week off. Taebo has been once a week - starting using elliptical machine (once a week) and the walk at home tapes (3 times a week)
    2. Krav Maga classes - 2 times a week. 3 weeks on 1 week off. Because of Assistant instructor training this has been 3 times a week - no rotation. - stopped attending since June 2010
    3. Write one blog a week in "Building the Faith" blog - currently (8/23/10) posting two blogs a month trying to keep on schedule.
    4. Write two blogs a week in "Knights Korner" blog -currently (8/23/10) posting two blogs a month trying to keep on schedule.
    5. Walk dogs twice a week - not started yet as of 8/23/10. has not started as of October 28, 2010
    6. Write a chapter a month in my manuscript - not started yet as of 8/23/10
    7. Follow a nutritional diet with the objective to lose 10 lbs in 6 months (Join Marlene's). - 10 lbs lost as of March 2nd , 2010 !!!!!!!! end result lost 10lbs in 7 weeks!!!!! Current weight 125lbs at 8/23/10 total weight lost so far 20lbs.Weight check on October 26, 2010 - 127 lbs, holding relatively steady.
    8. Schedule 3 skin care classes at the end of the month (minimum) - not going so well, still have at least 5 facials a month.No skin care classes schedule in 5 months, Scheduled to be a vendor at two Christmas Trade shows one October 31st, 2010 and the other November 13th, 2010 to re-energize business.

Now these resolutions were geared at having specific goals met by the end of the year.
I wanted to lose weight! but I didn't put that as a resolution. I had several goals, as I refer to them, that will help me attain the resolution of "losing weight"! Which I did and have been maintaining.

You will observe that some of the resolutions/goals I have not even started and yes the year is coming to an end. So you're probably thinking I'm feeling down in the rut because I never even started on that resolution.

It was clear to me by August that I had not defined those resolutions clearly enough for me to be motivated to attack it on a daily basis.
You will also notice that in checking on a regular basis helped me to first of all remember that I had resolutions and I was able to see what my status was on my resolutions. It also allowed me to come up with ideas to help improve the results coming down to the end of the year.

You see if you have a goal that is important enough for you to call it a New Year's Resolution, then you should probably have a game plan and set many little goals to help you attain that Resolution!

So the reason I'm bringing this up is because we're in November; December is right around the corner. I suggest using the next few weeks of the year two thousand and ten to determine what you want to say you've accomplished at the end of two thousand and eleven! Start jotting these down and then they will turn into your New Year's Resolutions. It's never too early to start planning.

Good luck!!!

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