Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Doing things right

I've often heard people say, "If only we had done it right the first time...." ,
"If only we had put this foundation in at......" ,
"If only we went with this product instead of ...."

We always know what's the correct direction to go and yet, somehow, we have this urge to always go the "wrong" way. Something always steers us in the wrong direction.

But even the best of us can do things the "wrong" way.

I hear many complain about things like nepotism.... but never when it benefits them.

I hear many complain about intersections being blocked, but never when they are the ones blocking the intersection.

I hear many complain about the government not fixing roads, but these people evade paying taxes every year.

Although we never want to hear it - Change begins with OURSELVES.

Looking in a mirror is the hardest thing for anyone to do. We are creatures that look out of ourselves. We can easily see what everyone else is doing right or wrong and we can't seem to notice that we are probably doing the same thing.

Doing the right thing is not about telling others how to do it.

It's really about doing it yourself. 

My country is one that seems to have a hard time doing things the right way. 
This past weekend many people suffered because others just did not care to build the right way; or get approvals. 
This is the second year in a row that such devastation in happening to our country during the rainy season and for no other reason than people DID NOT DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY.

When will Town and Country Planning tell people - "No you CANNOT build your house there". or " No you CANNOT build your housing development there"

If only we can do the right thing then maybe these images won't appear in the news so often. 

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