You've just graduated from College into the worse job market ever and you have no means of paying back your school loans.
What are you to do?
You search the web for all these fantastic ways of earning money; from home of course, because you can't land a job.
You come across many websites that offer these "stay at home" job offers but the strange thing is you have pay up front for something.
Now logically speaking one will say starting any business you have to put out some sort of investment. This could be in the form of inventory, website, furniture ..... Whatever the case may be the old saying goes, "to make money you have to spend money".
There are many people when starting their own business don't realize this concept. They think it's as easy as filling out an application, going for an interview and then getting hired.
Business owners will tell you that this is NOT how it works. In particular business "owners" of their very own Multi-level marketing "businesses" will attest to the fact that you MUST spend money to make money. Most people fail at multi-level marketing because they don't know when to spend that money.
The owner of a restaurant spends money in food suppliers, table clothes, plates, napkins, cutlery... and the list goes on and on. What ensures that he makes money while a Amway or AVON consultant does not? It has to be the timing of the investment? Is it the product offering? Is it the price point?
As one who's family has tried several multi-level marketing schemes I have learned a few things, but the most important - suggested retail prices means just that - "suggested".
This series on how to start you own business is really an open forum discussion. I'm particularly interested to hear from those who have succeeded, failed, started over, failed, succeeded, expanded their own businesses..... and the list goes on and on
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