Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trinidad again!

Well yes! 

Trinidad puts a new twist on the meaning of the words "Third World". 

I know this blog hasn't had much activity in a while. But it's time to reactivate and begin again to let the WORLD get a picture of what it is like to live in Trinidad. 

As I heard one radio host say the other day, commenting about the US government shut down, that if such a thing were to happen in Trinidad it would take us about 2 months to realize because everyday in Trinidad seems like a government shut down.

Everyday that someone has to go to a government office to get anything done, you better arrive before 8 am, it better not be raining, it better not be the day after the weekend, the day before the weekend, the after a public holiday, the day before a public holiday and don't bother going if it is after lunch time, the person who you need to get information from may not return to work after lunch. 

So government shut downs are a normal state of affairs in good old Trinidad. 

Take for example this very morning. It is raining in Port-of-Spain, so that means that the person at Licensing office - The "Inspector" - in Port-of-Spain is not coming out in the yard to check the chassis numbers on the cars because ...(listen to this one)....... IT IS RAINING. Really?!?!?! OMG!!!! It is raining in a tropical island!!! Who would have thought! 

Now inspecting the chassis numbers is this man's ENTIRE JOB! So if he is not going to do it then you can say he isn't working. If he were employed by me he wasn't getting paid anytime it rained then. Since we live in a tropical country and we are in the RAINY season then I guess he should start looking for a job where he doesn't have to come outside. 

So the inspection division at licensing in Port-of-Spain is closed until the rain stops. Ladies and gentlemen, based on the weather forecast for the rest of the week - the Port-of-Spain licensing inspection unit will be CLOSED for the rest of the week. 

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