Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I was surfing the web this week looking for common New Year's Resolutions.
It is amazing to see how year after year the same resolutions seem to top the top 10 list.

Can anyone tell me why "Quitting smoking", "Lose weight", and "get a new job" always seem to make it in the top FIVE!!!!!!

Now I don't smoke so that wouldn't be on my list, but I would say since about hmmmmmm the year 2000 - losing weight has been one of my top New Year's Resolutions, and I have to say nearly 10 years and 20lbs heavier, I now have quite the collection of exercise tapes, equipment and exercise clothes to show for all my "New Year's resolutions".

Now there are many factors that cause a person to gain weight - "Freshman 15" is one of them! But I have at least made the "effort". and Billy Banks have been thanking me for years!

What I realized about my New Year's Resolutions was that I was never specific! It was always "Stop biting my nails", or "lose weight".

Well I actually came across an article that recommended that people create their New Year's Resolutions the way our companies around the world are forcing us to create our corporate goals. You all know what I mean "SMART" resolutions.

Really when you think about it, a new year's resolution is in fact a year long goal. So be SMART about it - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

One year I tried this whole "SMART" thing without knowing it was "SMART". (and no I didn't try it on the losing weight resolution). The fact is I was able to stick to my goal for at least half the year. When summer rolls around however we cast our cares to the wind.

So this New Year's try to make SMART resolutions. Make sure you have weekly or monthly milestones and use the technology that's all around us to help you keep track of all that you're suppose to be doing.

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year everyone.

Looking forward to 2010!

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